When arriving at the parking lot of Oleoteca ses Escoles you would not expect that you are going to enter a beautifully decorated restaurant. But you are. As soon as you enter the bar and the restaurant with its open kitchen you will be in awe of its beauty.

oleoteca ses escoles ibiza

oleoteca ses escoles ibiza

The menu consists of a wide variety of Ibicencan dishes. It is owned by the same owner as from the Can Miquel Guasch olive oil. This means all meals are cooked with this delicious, healthy and organic delicacy. The olive oil comes in different varieties from a mild to a stronger flavour.

oleoteca ses escoles ibiza

I choose two dishes with lots of veggies: ‘Parillada de espárragos verdes con queso y aceite de albahaca’ > grilled asparagus with cheese and basil oil.

oleoteca ses escoles ibiza

Ensalada payesa de patatas > Ibizan potato salad, with onion and peppers.

oleoteca ses escoles ibiza

There’s a shop where you can buy local delicacies and (cook) books from Ibiza.
